

Culture of Russia

Nowadays turning back one can say that Russian culture was not homogeneous in itself. Political, ideological and ethical bias of epochs, no doubt, had an influence on the history of our country. But nevertheless, among all those bias there existed some middle way - a powerful stream of tradition, which defined the very essence of the whole. Moreover, private ways did not always coincide with the common stream, taking away in so-called 'cultural deadlocks', which as it turned out, impressed our contemporaries most of all.


Cities With The World’s Most Beautiful Women

Is it chauvinistic? Sure. Is it sexist? You betcha. But it’s also entertaining, so check out one travel writer’s rankings of the ten cities with the world’s most beautiful women. For more beautiful women, take a look at the countries with the world’s hottest women! While ladies and anyone else inclined to do so can check out the ten cities with the world’s hottest guys.

Different articles about countries

Travel etiquette 101: body language

You step over someone's legs in Nepal and don't even realize you've committed a grave social taboo! Although most locals will excuse breaches in etiquette, wouldn't you rather be informed? Read below for a list of etiquette tips, taken from our various guidebooks, to help you navigate different parts of the world.


The World’s 10 Most Single Countries

Living alone can have a variety of connotations. For some, it represents freedom and financial independence, the opportunity to avoid having to make compromises. However, for others living alone may be synonymous with loneliness and isolation within society.


8 March - International Women's Day

Despite the word "International", it seems that this holiday is only celebrated in Russia, Ukraine and former Soviet republics!