

Valentine's Day in Ireland

Ireland is a known as place of Nobel Prize Winners. The four Nobel prizes came to Ireland for George Bernard Shaw, Samuel Beckett, Seamus Heaney and William Butler Yeats. The legendary writer such as Oscar Wilde and James Joyce also hails from Ireland. Ireland is a place where one existentialist may want to escape to, from the maddening crowd. It is considered as the third largest island of Europe, is the most sought after tourist destination.


Top Ten Sights of Ireland - Picking the Best of the Best

Planning a trip to Ireland can be a daunting task - what should I not miss? Everyone has their own favorite sights and places. Yet there are a number of locations every visitor to Ireland should see. Taking them all in will also showcase the variety to be found on the comparatively small island. They are definitely part of the best of Ireland.


Administrative Divisions in the Republic of Ireland

The Republic of Ireland is divided into 30 administrative regions, mostly tied to the 26 constituent counties (county Tipperary is divided in two and county Dublin in four).