

What is the national currency of Andorra?

Andorra has no monetary unit of its own and the Euro has been the official currency from January 2002. Visitors from non Euro countries are advised to bring travellers\' cheques or Euro cheques and to cash them in Andorra as the exchange rate is usually better than in other European countries. Credit cards e.g. Amex, Visa & Access are accepted in many establishments.


Geography of Andorra

Andorra is located in southwestern Europe on the border between France and Spain.


Medicine in Andorra

Andorra is situated in south-western Europe between France and Spain; it has a population of 83,888. For 715 years - between 1278 and 1993 - Andorra was a unique co-principality ruled by leaders of France and Spain. In 1993 Andorra governance was reformed into a parliamentary democracy. For many years Andorra has been a home for banking and economic freedom. Currently Andorra has an estimated 10 million tourists visiting the country each year, which accounts for roughly 80% of the country’s gross domestic product.