

Geography of Switzerland

Switzerland is a mountainous and landlocked country located in Western and Central Europe. It is surrounded by 5 countries: Austria and Liechtenstein to the east, France to the west, Italy to the south and Germany to the north.

Food & Hospitality

The 20 Best Countries in the World for Food

Your mom cooks the best food ever in the universe. We know that. But if one day you want to try food which (would never be better of course) would be different from your mother’s, then this article is for you.

Different articles about countries

The 10 best treks in the world

These 10 classic treks are for serious walkers. All of them require a sturdy pair of lungs, fit legs and a good amount of preparation. However, all of these trails offer experiences that last a lifetime. In no particular order:


Where Are The 10 Best Countries To Live, In 2014?

Have you ever wondered how much better your life might be if you lived abroad? If so, you’re not alone; while Dorothy might have been right that there’s no place like home, millions of people across the world still emigrate yearly in pursuit of a better standard of living comparative to their home country.