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Italian Culture


The Culture of Italy revealed in the ancient relics and historical remnants, reflects the spirit of enlightenment and elegance, existing among the people at that time.


Ever since its inception, the country has contributed sufficiently in the advancement of world culture.

Italians, expert and efficient in all cultural spheres like literature, music, architecture and sculptures are the creators of masterpieces in their respective fields.

Despite all regional and topographical differences, the cultural heritage of Italy is something that the Italians cherish and boast of, and they feel privileged to hand over this rich cultural legacy down to the coming generations.

Expansion of the Culture of Italy began mainly during the Renaissance that initiated an overall revolution in different cultural spheres throughout the globe.

The effect of Renaissance in Europe was directly felt on the Italian peninsula.

As a result, this period witnessed some drastic changes, immensely affecting the imagination, creativity, inventory and the intellect of the human beings in general.

This abrupt but obvious transformation was directly absorbed by the Italian population and revealed in the subsequent artistic productions.

Sculpture, architecture, art, science, language, literature, sport, philosophy and music acquired a new dimension in the face of this new cultural resurgence and upsurge.

Works of prominence were produced by eminent personalities of Italy. In the field of literature, some masterpieces like "The Divine Comedy" was written by Dante Alighieri.

A new form of poetic style called the "Sonnet" evolved due to Renaissance. Sonnet as a prominent form of literary style was introduced by the famous Italian poet, Petrarch and later followed by Shakespeare.

Philosophers of repute like Niccolo Machiavelli with his eternal creation, "The Prince" proposed new methods of ruling the country and lead the government.

Machiavelli's work altered the existing political outlook and modified the biased views to a large extent.

The names of Michelangelo (creator of David, Pieta and Moses), Leonardo da Vinci (painter of Monalisa), Titian and Raphael are inseparably associated with Italian sculptures and paintings.

Meanwhile, progress in the field of science and technology was at its height with Galileo Galilei's immense contribution in astronomy.

The famous physicist, Fermi studied the Quantum Theory, while matters related to electric battery was taken care of by Volta.

Mathematicians like Lagrange and Fabonacci, Nobel laureates like Marconi (invented radio) and Antonio Mencci contributed immensely towards the cultural development of Italy during this age.