

Netherlands Sightseeing

Amsterdam, the lively and culturally rich capital, is often referred to as one of the most colourful cities in the world. Where else do you find so many places of interest, famous museums, cosy pubs, fun stores, coffee shops, and flower markets? It is also a treasure trove for lovers of architecture, boasting international importance in terms of both historical and modern design.


Cities With The World’s Most Beautiful Women

Is it chauvinistic? Sure. Is it sexist? You betcha. But it’s also entertaining, so check out one travel writer’s rankings of the ten cities with the world’s most beautiful women. For more beautiful women, take a look at the countries with the world’s hottest women! While ladies and anyone else inclined to do so can check out the ten cities with the world’s hottest guys.


Where Are The 10 Best Countries To Live, In 2014?

Have you ever wondered how much better your life might be if you lived abroad? If so, you’re not alone; while Dorothy might have been right that there’s no place like home, millions of people across the world still emigrate yearly in pursuit of a better standard of living comparative to their home country.