The main hospitals are Port Moresby General (Papuan region), Goroka Base (Highlands) and Angau Memorial. Visitors can use any of the private doctors or public consultation clinics. Doctors and hospitals are not free and often expect immediate payment for medical services.
Officially name: The Independent State of Papua New Guinea
Capital: Port Moresby
Largest city: Port Moresby
Official language: English, Tok Pisin, Hiri Motu
Government: Federal Constitutional Monarchy and Parliamentary Democracy
In Papua New Guinea the old beliefs have blended with Christian beliefs that had been introduced in the last century, which now form unique traditions for this part of the world.
In the Trobriand Islands Good Friday is regarded as the most important religious event in the year. About mid-morning a large number of people gather for a service in the settlement of Losuia. The youth from the surrounding villages present musical and other items on an Easter theme at this service. After the service is over people divide into small groups of family and friends for feasts in various homes.