Religion in the Gambia

Religion in the Gambia
Muslims constitute 95.3 percent of the population of the Gambia according to Pew research center. The vast majority are Malikite Sunnis influenced with Sufism, of which the main orders represented are Tijaniyah, Qadiriyah. Except for Ahmadiyya, Sufi orders pray together at common mosques. A small percentage of Muslims, predominantly immigrants from South Asia, do not ascribe to any traditional Islamic school of thought.


An estimated 4.1 percent of the population is Christian, and less than 1 percent practice African Traditional Religion. Other sources give a higher estimate for Christians in the Gambia at 9 percent.

The Christian community, situated mostly in the west and south of the country, is predominantly Roman Catholic; there are also several Protestant groups including Anglicans, Methodists, Baptists, Seventh-day Adventists, Jehovah's Witnesses, and various small evangelical denominations. There is a small group of followers of the Baha'i Faith and a small community of Hindus among South Asian immigrants.

Intermarriage between Muslims and Christians is common.In some areas, Islam and Christianity are syncretized with African Traditional Religion.There are few atheists in the country. Although most Gambians are Muslim, some suggest that Islam is usually syncrethized with the old Traditional African religion such as the Serer religion. Christians also syncrethize Christianity with the old Traditional African religion.

Foreign missionary groups operate in the country.