

Education in Lebanon

Education in Lebanon is regulated by the Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MOEHE). In Lebanon, English or French with Arabic are taught from early years in schools. After primary education, English or French become the mandatory medium of instruction for mathematics and science for all schools.Education is compulsory from age 6 to age 14.


People of Lebanon

The population of Lebanon comprises Christians and Muslims. No official census has been taken since 1932, reflecting the political sensitivity in Lebanon over confessional (religious) balance. The U.S. Government estimate is that more than two-thirds of the resident population is Muslim (Shi'a, Sunni), or Druze, and the rest is Christian (predominantly Maronite, Greek Orthodox, Greek Catholic, and Armenian).


People of Lebanon

The population of Lebanon comprises Christians and Muslims. No official census has been taken since 1932, reflecting the political sensitivity in Lebanon over confessional (religious) balance. The U.S. Government estimate is that more than two-thirds of the resident population is Muslim (Shi'a, Sunni), or Druze, and the rest is Christian (predominantly Maronite, Greek Orthodox, Greek Catholic, and Armenian).