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Национальная кухня США

Американский завтрак - это яичница или омлет с беконом, ветчиной, сосисками и жареным картофелем. В ресторане отеля может быть десять видов яичницы, омлеты, салаты, сок и кофе. Кроме яичницы будет только корнфлекс, иногда овсянка.


United States of America Food and Drink

Frequent eating out is a relative novelty for many Americans, particularly in suburban areas, and is just one of many consequences of the popularization of television shows that feature celebrity chefs and a focus on culinary history and popular culture. Americans' appetite for learning more about food and becoming familiar with diverse cuisines has grown exponentially in the past decade—along with their waistlines.
