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Административное деление Багамских Островов

Районы Багамских островов представляют собой систему местного управления на всей территории Багамских островов, кроме острова Нью-Провиденс, управление которым осуществляется напрямую центральным правительством. Нынешняя административная система была создана в 1996 году, когда были определены 23 района (англ. district); еще 8 районов были добавлены в 1999 году.


Districts of the Bahamas

The districts of the Bahamas provide a system of local government everywhere except New Providence, whose affairs are handled directly by the central government. In 1996, the Bahamian Parliament passed "The Local Government Act" to facilitate the establishment of Family Island Administrators, Local Government Districts, Local District Councillors, and Local Town Committees for the various island communities. The overall goal of this act is to allow the various elected leaders to govern and oversee the affairs of their respective districts without the interference of Central Government. In total, there are 32 districts, with elections being held every three years. There are also one hundred and ten Councillors and two hundred and eighty-one Town Committee members to correspond with the various districts.
