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Религия в Украине

Господствующей религией в Украине является христианство, представленное православными, протестантскими и католическими конфессиями. В значительно меньшей степени представлены иудаизм и ислам.

Между христианскими конфессиями наблюдается жесткая конфронтация.


Religions and churches in Ukraine

As with most European countries, Ukrainians were originally a pagan nation of idol worshippers. In 988 AD, Prince Vladimir the Great of Kiev accepted Orthodox Christianity and brought the entire country under the influence of the Byzantine Empire. The period was characterized by mass baptisms, when many of the Prince’s subjects converted to Christianity. Despite changes over the past 1000 years, Ukrainian Orthodox Christianity remains the main religion of Ukraine today, with some 70% of Ukrainians still claiming to belong to this faith. However, there are a number of other religions in Ukraine.
