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Свадебные традиции Румынии

Во многих регионах Румынии народные ритуалы исполняются, чтобы принести счастье и процветание молодой паре. Эти обычаи различаются в зависимости от регионов, но общим элементом является символизм костюмов невесты и жениха.


Romanian Wedding Traditions

Wedding is one of the most interesting family traditions, in all cultures around the world. It supposes different customs for different people, which can be of religious, economical, legislative and folklore nature. The Romanian folk rituals are performed in order to bring about happiness, prosperity, social integration and fecundity to the young couple. These rituals vary from region to region, but one of common elements is the popular costumes the bride and the groom have to wear and which are full of symbolism.
