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Как празднуют Пасху в Ирландии

Для ирландцев, кроме Дня Святого Патрика и Рождества, Пасха (An Chaisc) – самый важный религиозный праздник.

Пасхальные традиции отмечают время от первого дня Великого поста (Carghas) после Дня покаяния и за сорок дней до Первого дня Пасхи (Domhnach Casca).


Easter traditions in Ireland

In Ireland, people dance in the streets on Easter Sunday. The dancers compete for the prize of a cake.

In Ireland Easter is a very sacred time of fasting and prayer. On Easter Saturday at church hundreds of small candles are lit off the Paschal candle that has been blessed by the priest. On Easter Sunday a quiet meal is eaten at home. Traditional Easter meal of leek soup and roasted spring lamb.
