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Пасха в Нидерландах

Пасха - важный христианский праздник в Нидерландах. Христиане празднуют воскресение Иисуса Христа из мертвых, на третий день после его распятия в Страстную пятницу.


Easter traditions in Holland

The Christian community celebrates the holy festival of Easter with immense vigor and magnificence across the globe. The occasion also marks the resurrection of Lord Jesus Christ from the dead, after He was crucified on Good Friday. The holiday also marks the beginning of the spring season. Easter in the Netherlands is known as Pasen in Dutch. The occasion is more of a festive and family oriented day in the Netherlands. The Easter celebrations are marked by the carnival that is held before the Lent season. The main highlights of the carnival are dances, parades and masquerade balls. Go through the article to know more about the traditions and celebrations of Easter in Holland.
