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Пасха в Германии

Во всех христианских странах, в том числе и в Германии, Пасха – один из важнейших церковных праздников. Но если некоторые христианские ритуалы постепенно утратили свое первоначальное значение, например, строгий пост перед Пасхой, то целый ряд языческих обычаев сохранился по сей день.


Easter traditions in Germany

Easter is celebrated to remember the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead after His crucifixion on Good Friday. The festival also marks the onset of the spring season after the end of the Lent period. It is observed by the entire Christian community throughout the world. The most important Easter symbols are spring flowers, eggs, chickens, hares and lambs. Easter celebrations in Germany are quite similar to other countries. Post offices, banks, stores and other businesses are usually shut down. Easter in Germany is known for colorful eggs and chocolate bunnies. The festival is celebrated with a whole lot customs and traditions.
