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Хорватия - Административное деление

Хорватия состоит из:

21 административного округа(županiji)- 20 жупаний и также имеющий статус жупании город Загреб
122 города
424 общины
6767 поселков


Administrative divisions of Croatia

The subdivisions of Croatia on the first level are the 20 counties (županija, pl. županije) and one city-county (grad, "city"). On the second level these are municipalities (općina, pl. općine) and towns (also named grad, pl. gradovi).Both of these type of subdivisions consist of settlements(naselje, pl. naselja). The 1st- and 2nd-level subdivisions are self-governed, while naselja are used mainly for statistical purposes, though they can also institute one or more levels of self-government, typically in cities.
