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Достопримечательности Австрии

Австрия – страна альпийских вершин, горных озер, лугов и прохладных лесов. В этой необыкновенной стране черпали вдохновение великие композиторы Моцарт, Шуберт, Гайдн, Брамс, Глюк, Малер и всемирно признанный король вальсов Штраус.


What to see and to do in Austria?

Austria is home to spectacular cities and towns, majestic mountain peaks, pristine alpine lakes, a rich and storied history, and an enticing dining scene, and these are just some of the things that make Austria travel so amazing. Found in the heart of Europe, Austria borders Germany, Switzerland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Italy, and Slovenia. In other words, it's landlocked and surrounded by plenty of other interesting destinations.
