Faroe Islands


Climate of Faroe Islands

Although the Faroe Islands are located at 62 degrees N the climate in the Faroe Islands is surprisingly mild due to the Gulf Stream.

The average temperature in the warmest months is 13°C resulting is mild summer days and during the winther the average temperature is 3°C.


Culture of the Faroe Islands

Culture of the Faroe Islands has its roots in the Nordic culture. The Faroe Islands were long isolated from the main cultural phases and movements that swept across parts of Europe.


Geography of the Faroe Islands

The Faroe Islands are an island group consisting of eighteen islands off the coast of Northern Europe, between the Norwegian Sea and the North Atlantic, about half-way between Iceland and Norway. Its coordinates are 62°N 7°W. It is 1,393 square kilometres in area, and includes no major lakes or rivers. There are 1,117 kilometres of coastline, and no land boundaries with any other country.