Bogota, the capital of Colombia

Bogota, the capital of Colombia
Bogotá, Distrito Capital, from 1991 to 2000 called Santa Fé de Bogotá, is the capital city of Colombia.


Bogotá has a lot of sights and attractions. Some of them:

  • Casa de Moneda. Has a collection of Colombian coins and the history of moneymaking. Free entrance.
  • Donación Botero. Collection of paintings donated by Botero to Bogota. Besides work of Botero the collection contains work from Picasso, Renoir, Monet, Dali and others.
  • Gold Museum (El Museo del Oro). Impressive collection of gold and pre-Colombian artifacts from Colombia and surrounding nations.
  • Banco de la Republica Art Collection (Museo Botero). Exhibits Permanent Banco de la República Art Collection consisting of nearly 3,000 paintings, sculptures and assembly of Colombian and Latin American masters from the XVI century to our days.
  • Cerro de Monserrate. A true beautiful panoramic view of the city is only a funicular or transferico ride away.
  • Torre Colpatria. Bogota's tallest building and one of South America's tallest buildings is located in El Centro.
  • Museo Nacional. The National Museum is the oldest in the country and one of the oldest in the continent, built in 1823. Its fortress architecture is built in stone and brick. The plant includes arches, domes and columns forming a sort of Greek cross over which 104 prison cells are distributed, with solid wall façade. The museum houses a collection of over 20,000 pieces including works of art and objects representing different national history periods. Permanent exhibitions present archeology and ethnography samples from most antique Colombian men vestiges, 10,000 years BC, up to XX century indigenous and afro- Colombian art and culture. Founders and New Kingdom of Granada room houses rich Liberators and other Spanish authorities iconography; the round room exhibits a series of oleos synthesizing Colombia painting history.