

Spain Education System

The educational law of 1990, the Ley Organica de Ordenacion General del Sistema Educativo (LOGSE) (Law on the General Organization of the Educational System), established a new system which started in 1991-92 school-year.


Valentines Day in Spain

Ernest Hemingways existentialist short story The Undefeated" will be the first thing comes in a good readers mind when thinking about Spain. Hemingway portrayed the undying spirit of a `field-out bull fighter in that story. Spain is the historical land of Bull fighting and Flamenco music. With beautiful beaches, picturesque country side and umpteen genres of music, Spain is destined to be a great celebration spot and romantic destination. Foreign tourists fly to Spain for an exotic experience on Valentines Day the cultural versatility of Spain can be seen in their ways of celebrating festivals.

Food & Hospitality

The 20 Best Countries in the World for Food

Your mom cooks the best food ever in the universe. We know that. But if one day you want to try food which (would never be better of course) would be different from your mother’s, then this article is for you.

Food & Hospitality

The best countries for food

Food and travel go together like planes and airports. No matter where you go you'll have little trouble finding at least one culinary experience that will help you understand the local culture. In some countries the food is the highlight, drawing many a foodie to its borders, like a moth to a flame. Here are 10 countries (in no particular order) that your taste buds will thank you for visiting.