Climate of Palau

Palau has a tropical climate with an annual mean temperature of 82 °F (28 °C). Rainfall is heavy throughout the year, averaging 150 inches (3,800 mm). The average humidity is 82% and although rain falls more frequently between July and October, there is still much sunshine.


Education System in Palau

Education in the Micronesian island nation of Palau still follows the American system of Grades K to 12. It is mandatory until either the age of 16 is reached, or graduation from high school is achieved. There are approximately 20 elementary state schools dispersed through villages and islands, where pupils study for 6 years.


States of Palau

Palau is divided into sixteen administrative regions, called states (the still separately listed Rock Islands did originally not belong to any state, but now belong to the state of Koror).