Samoa Islands


Kava in Samoa

Kava is also deeply imbedded in the culture. Kava bowls are sturdy, round wooden bowls made of varying sizes. Kava bowls have a number of short legs around it. The drink made from Kava is made up with water in the bowl and drunken socially using coconut shells to scoop up the drink. It is a ground natural extract from the pepper plant root and intended for medicinal and slightly aesthetic properties.


Education System in Samoa

The literacy rate is estimated to be 97% in Samoa, where education is provided by the state in tandem with 5 religious missions, all following a common syllabus. The first 4 years of primary education take place at village schools, following which brighter pupils move on to district schools instead, where the medium of education is English. The only exception to this rule is found in Apia, where urban schools manage the entire process.


Climate of Samoa

The climate is equatorial/monsoonal, with an average annual temperature of 26.5 °C (79.7 °F), and a rainy season from November to April. Savai'i is the largest of the Samoan islands and the sixth largest Polynesian island after New Zealand's North, South and Stewart Islands and the Hawaiian islands of Hawaiʻi and Maui. The population of Savai'i is 42,000 people.