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Population of Burkina Faso


The population of Burkina Faso grows at a rate of 2.997% every year according to the 2007 estimates of CIA. According to the same source, the population of Burkina Faso is 14,326,203 in 2007.


The population density of Burkina Faso counts to 48 per square kilometer. 

There are many ethnic groups in Burkina Faso, that constitute the population of Burkina Faso. The ethnic group of Mossi constitutes nearly 40% of Burkina Faso population. The other ethnic groups, that contribute to the density of population in Burkina Faso include Mande, Gurunsi, Lobi, Senufo, Fulani, Bobo. The Europeans in fair numbers add to the population of Burkina Faso. 

50% of the people of Burkina Faso believe in the religion of Islam. Nearly 40% of the rest of the Burkina Faso population are believers in traditional religions of Africa. According to the data of CIA, nearly 10 percent of the people of Burkina Faso are Christians with a major inclination towards Roman Catholicism. 

The French language is the officially recognized language in Burkina Faso. The people of Burkina Faso generally speaks in a native language of the Sudanic origin. 

A big section of the Burkina Faso population depends on agriculture for survival. The industries in Burkina Faso are mostly concentrated in the center and south of the country. A major portion of the labor force in Burkina Faso henceforth, lives in these parts of the country. Nearly 21.8% of the Burkina Faso population are literates.

Burkina Faso is a multilingual country. An estimated 69 languages are spoken there,[60] of which about 60 are indigenous. The Mossi language (Mossi: Mòoré) is spoken by about 40% of the population, mainly in the central region around the capital, Ouagadougou, along with other, closely related Gurunsi languages scattered throughout Burkina.

In the west, Mande languages are widely spoken, the most predominant being Dyula (also known as Jula or Dioula), others including Bobo, Samo, and Marka. The Fula language (Fula: Fulfulde, French: Peuhl) is widespread, particularly in the north. The Gourmanché language is spoken in the east, while the Bissa language is spoken in the south.

The official language is French, which was introduced during the colonial period. French is the principal language of administrative, political and judicial institutions, public services, and the press. It is the only language for laws, administration and courts.