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Географическое положение Колумбии

Республика Колумбия — государство на северо-западе Южной Америки. Граничит с Бразилией и Венесуэлой на востоке, на юге — с Эквадором и Перу, на западе — с Панамой. Омывается Карибским морем на севере и Тихим океаном на западе.


Geography of Colombia

The geography of Colombia is characterized by containing five main natural regions that present their own unique characteristics, from the Andes mountain range region shared with Ecuador and Venezuela; the Pacific Ocean coastal region shared with Panama and Ecuador; the Caribbean Sea coastal region shared with Venezuela and Panama; the Llanos (plains) shared with Venezuela; to the Amazon Rainforest region shared with Venezuela, Brazil, Peru and Ecuador. Colombia is one of only two South American countries which border both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.
