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Культура Мексики

Мексика – яркая и солнечная страна, где произошло удивительное слияние индейской и европейской цивилизаций. Большое влияние на культуру Мексики оказали Америка и Испания. Местные жители оберегают и чтут свои традиции, делая страну необыкновенно интересной для путешествий.


Culture features of Mexico

Mexicans have had a talent for art and color since pre-Hispanic times. Today, Mexico is covered with murals and littered with galleries of contemporary and historic art, which are a highlight of the country for many visitors. Mexican creativity is also expressed through the country's vibrant folk-art tradition. Notable examples of pre-Hispanic art include the Olmecs' monumental stone heads, the early Paradise of Tláloc murals at Teotihuacán and the Mayan murals at Bonampak in Chiapas. The art of the colonial period was largely religious and Spanish in tone. The influence of indigenous artisans can be seen in the elaborate altarpieces and sculpted walls and ceilings that decorate the country's many churches.
