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Национальная кухня Мексики

Кухня этой стран крайне оригинальна и своеобразна, что объясняется смешением кулинарных традиций индейских племен мезоамерики с сильным влиянием испанской и французской рецептур.


Food of Mexico

Mexican cuisine is centered on three national staples: tortillas, beans and chili peppers. Tortillas are thin round patties of pressed corn or wheat-flour dough cooked on griddles. Beans (frijoles) are eaten boiled, fried or refried, in soups, on tortillas or with just about anything. Apart from an astonishing array of freshly squeezed fruit juices (jugos), which are readily available from street stalls, Mexico is also famous for its alcoholic beverages - mezcal and tequila in particular. Pulque is a mildly alcoholic drink derived directly from the sap of the maguey.
