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Пасха в Канаде

Пасха в Канаде является священной и старейшей из всех традиций для христиан. Фестиваль в память о воскресении Иисуса Христа после Его смерти в Страстную пятницу. Фестиваль празднуется после окончания долгой холодной зимы, когда люди с нетерпением ждут весеннего сезона.


Easter traditions in Canada

Easter is the holiest and oldest of all traditions for Christians throughout the world. The festival commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ after His death on Good Friday. The festival is celebrated after the end of the long cold winter when people look forward for the spring season. Easter in Canada is a highly religious occasion celebrated with great joy, pleasure and fanfare. The Canadians spend much of their time attending church masses and engaging in family gatherings. Easter eggs form the major part of Easter traditions in Canada. Read on further to know more about traditions and celebrations of Easter in Canada.
