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Водные ресурсы России

Водные ресурсы – это пригодные для использования в народ­ном хозяйстве воды рек, озер, каналов, водохранилищ, морей и океанов, подземные воды, почвенная влага, ледники, водяные пары атмосферы. Общие запасы водных ресурсов составляют 1454,3 млн км3, из них менее 2% относится к пресным водам, а доступны для использования 0,3 %.


Land and water resources of Russia

Plains occupy the biggest part of the Russian territories. The Russian (East Europe) Plain is located to the west from the Ural Mountains and has an average height of about 100 m above sea level. The relief of the northern part of Russia was formed under the influence of glaciation and the subsequent river erosion. Karelia and the Kola Peninsula are refered to the Baltic Shield. Wavy plains with single low mountain ranges (the Khibins) and a great number of small lakes mainly predominate there. Ladoga and Onega Lakes, situated a little to the south, lie in a low-lying strip going from the Gulf of Finland to the east. Heights of the Central Russia reach more than 300 m above sea level.
