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Пасха в России

Пасха – это светлый праздник воскресения Христа. Этот праздник пришел на Русь из Византии вместе с крещением в конце X века. С тех пор по всей России широко, красиво и торжественно отмечают этот христианский праздник.


Easter traditions in Russia

Considered as one of the most significant holiday amongst Christians, Easter observes the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. The festival is commemorated with great magnificence and enthusiasm throughout the world. Different countries celebrate the occasion through different ways though some rituals are common to the entire globe. Easter has great significance in Russia. They celebrate Easter by attending religious ceremonies and eating traditional foods with family and friends. The Easter season in Russia begins six days before Easter Sunday as most of the Russian Orthodox Christians observe the Lent period.
