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Пасха в Венгрии

Пасха — второй после Рождества главный католический праздник. В то же время ее обряды напрямую связаны с возрождающимися после зимы силами природы. В европейских странах Пасху всегда отмечают с большим размахом, и Венгрия не является исключением.


Easter traditions in Hungary

Easter is a two-day holiday in Hungary, celebrated with great fanfare and religious fervor. The holidays are enjoyed to the fullest by the Hungarians. People celebrate the occasion by following customs that are native to their homeland. A number of interesting folk customs are still alive in the European country, which make the festivities colorful. Out of the customs, sprinkling perfumed water and egg-painting are very popular and are followed even today. Go through the following lines to know all about the celebrations of Easter in Hungary and various customs followed for the same.
