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Язык и население Греции

На греческом языке сегодня говорят 10 миллионов жителей Греции и около 82% населения Кипра - еще полмиллиона. Его знает греческая диаспора, рассеянная по всему миру, - в США, Австралии, Англии, Канаде, России. Допустим, еще десять миллионов человек.


Language and population of Greece

GREECE, Hellas, officially known as the "Hellenic Republic" is the southeastern most country in Europe, occupying the southernmost part of the Balkan Peninsula. It is bordered by Albania, X-Yugoslavia (the Republic of Skopje) and Bulgaria from the north, and the European part of Turkey from the northeast.

From the east by the Aegean Sea, from the south by the Mediterranean Sea, and from the west the Ionian Sea, including more than 400 islands, which occupy more than one fifth of its total land territory the total area of the country is 131,957 square kilometers (50,949 square miles).
