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Пасха в Чехии

Пасха праздник переходящий, это означает, что постоянной даты этого праздника нет, каждый год дата меняется. Рассчитываться день празднования по лунно-солнечному календарю, Пасху отмечают в воскресенье, которое идет после первого полнолуния со дня весеннего равноденствия 21 марта.


Easter traditions in Czech

Easter in Czech Republic is known by the traditional name of 'Velikonoce'. Easter celebration in the country is a mйlange of colorful traditions and folk customs, dating back to pre-Christian times. Most of the traditions indigenous to the country are largely observed in villages and small towns. With the passing time, they have lost the inherent symbolism and are now performed mainly for fun. Nonetheless, Easter is one of the prominent festivals in Czech Republic and calls for full fledged celebrations. Go through the article and explore all about the celebrations of Easter in Canada and the various traditions associated with the festival, in the European nation.
