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Пасха в Болгарии

В этот день Господь Бог Иисус Христос воскрес из мертвых. Праздник связан во времени с первым полнолунием после дня весеннего солнцестояния, и поэтому каждый год Великден (Пасха) приходится на разные даты.


Easter traditions in Bulgaria

Easter is one of the most significant holidays in the Bulgarian calendar. Starting with Palm Sunday, the holy week leads up to the Great Day. In the country, the festival is popularly known as "Velikden", which literally means 'the faith in the resurrection of Jesus Christ'. Easter traditions in Bulgaria are a derivative of the Eastern Orthodox Church rituals. In tune with worldwide Orthodox traditions, bright red colored eggs and Easter breads known as "kolache" or "kozunak" are the prominent symbols of Easter in Bulgaria. In the article, explore all about the traditions and celebrations of Easter in Bulgaria.
