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Валюта Палау

Доллар США (USD, $), равный 100 центам. В обращении находятся купюры достоинством 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 и 100 долларов, монеты - penny (1 цент), nickel (5 центов), dime (10 центов), quarter (25 центов), half dollar (50 центов), а также 2 и 1 доллар.


Palau - Money

Palau uses the U.S. dollar as its currency. This has the advantage of bypassing the expense of running a central bank. Also, the currency is completely convertible, and price stability is reasonably well ensured, as Palau does not have the ability to print currency. The rate of inflation was less than 3 percent a year from 1996-98.
