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Достопримечательности Палау

По данным ученых, первые жители Палау прибыли на острова из восточной части современной Индонезии приблизительно в X в. до н. э. Первым европейцем, обнаружившим Палау, был, скорее всего, испанский мореплаватель Руи Лопес де Вильялобос (1543 г.).


Palau — Attractions

Palau is not renowned for its landmarks. However, there are a number of exciting places to explore that will get tourists away from diving and snorkeling for a few hours. Koror is where much of the action is found, but some of the areas around the busiest island city are also home to key attractions. The Rock Islands are extremely fascinating natural works of art, especially for visitors who experience the Jellyfish Lake phenomenon. Cultural aspects of Palau are located in the must-visit Belau National Museum.
