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Свадьба в Ираке

Главным отличием иракской свадьбы является то, что свадьба зависит от согласия невесты, если она против, то бракосочетание не состоится. Если невеста даёт согласие, то ей надевают на палец заранее заготовленное кольцо.


Iraqi Wedding Traditions

Every wedding starts with the engagement, the guy see a girl, then if they like each other, he asks for her hand (in other words to get marry), she might be a relative, neighbor, cousin, they might be work mates, or students in the same collage etc. First he goes with his parents to hers, and tells them his desire to ask their daughter to get marry, (if the girl's father is dead, he should go to her eldest uncle).
