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География Бангладеш

Бангладеш расположена в Южной Азии, главным образом в пределах дельтовых равнин Ганга и Брахмапутры и горной области на стыке с Мьянмой и северо-восточной Индией, между 88°00' и 92°53' восточной долготы и 20°30' и 26°45' северной широты.


Geography of Bangladesh

Most of the areas of Bangladesh lies within the broad delta formed by the Ganges and Brahmaputra rivers. Lands are exceedingly flat, low-lying, and subject to annual flooding. Much fertile, alluvial soil is deposited by the floodwaters. The only significant area of hilly terrain, constituting less than one-tenth of the nation's territory, is the Chittagong Hill Tracts in the narrow southeastern panhandle of the country.
