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Политическое устройство ДРК

После четырёхлетнего переходного периода между двумя конституциями были созданы новые политические институты на различных уровнях всех ветвей власти, было принято новое административное деление, политическая система ДРК, наконец, приняла устойчивый вид президентской демократической республики.


Political system of the Democratic Republic of the Congo

After a four-year interlude between two constitutions, with new political institutions established at the various levels of government, as well as new administrative divisions for the provinces throughout the country, a new constitution came into effect in 2006 and politics in the Democratic Republic of the Congo finally settled into a stable presidential democratic republic. The 2003 transitional constitution had established a parliament with a bicameral legislature, consisting of a Senate and a National Assembly.
