Education In Peru

Education In Peru
The education system in Peru provides three levels of instruction: Education in Peru Initial (ages 3-5) Primary (ages 6-11) Secondary (ages 12-16)


According to the constitution, education is free and compulsory in public schools for initial, primary and secondary levels. However, not all children have access to education; many kids have to walk for two to three hours just to arrive to school, many others must leave their studies to help support the economy of the family, working. 

There are Peruvian regions where one can find one-room school houses, where students of different grade levels are mixed. There are schools located in remote towns, which is why teachers are seen living in the back of the school. 

Besides public schools, there are also private ones in the larger Peruvian cities which are very popular among Peruvian students. The academic year in Peru begins in March and it ends in December. After basic education students who wish to continue their studies to prepare themselves for Universities may often have to travel to larger cities or settle with the instruction provided in their city.

Universities in Peru are may be public or private and offer different university courses. This is a list of some of the most renowned universities in Peru: 

University of Lima

Catholic University of Santa Maria

Los Andes Peruvian University

Pontifica Universidad Catolica del Peru

National University of San Marcos

The most important university in Peru is the “Pontifica Universidad Catolica del Peru”, since it appears among the most important universities in Latin American University rankings.

Business Schools in Peru

Although there are not many business schools in Peru, some Universities offer degrees in business and management; these are: 

Universidad del Pacifico