

Sightseeing and Attractions of Gibraltar

Gibraltar is an amazing co-mingling of past, present and future, and the list of things that a visit to Gibraltar should take in is as long as your arm in reality, but there are some things that you just can’t miss.


Medicine in Gibraltar

Gibraltar Health care facilities are available at various public wards, hospitals and clinics that are located in this European country. There are also some primary health care centers in Gibraltar. The British national can avail free Gibraltar Health care services at the Rock. The free treatment can be however availed only till a stay of thirty days.


Water source of Gibraltar

Gibraltar is a small British Overseas Territory located at the southern tip of the Iberian Peninsula, at the entrance to the Mediterranean Sea. The primary source of freshwater for Gibraltar is desalination. Due to its limited land area and lack of natural freshwater sources, Gibraltar relies on desalination plants to provide its residents with a reliable supply of drinking water.