Ashurra, is celebrated by Sunni Muslims (Qatar is mostly Sunni, although there are a number of Shiite expats living and working here) as the day Noah's ark found ground, the day Abraham was born and the day the Kabaah*, the holiest place in Islam, was built.
The modern State of Qatar gained its independence from the UK on September 3, 1971.The country's constitution was ratified by public referendum on April 29, 2003; it was endorsed by the Emir on June 8, 2004; and it became effective on June 9, 2005.
Coffee is extremely important in Qatari culture. Arabian coffee is of a very high quality and made from a lightly roasted bean spiced with cardamom and either sweetened or served with dates. It is drunk in small, thimble-like cups in homes and offices.