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Malaysia Population


The current population of Malaysia in total is 30,267,367, a slight increase from 2013’s estimate of 29,791,949.


Of this number, 50.7% (or 15,345,555) is the male population, and the remaining 49.3% (which is 14,921,811) is female population. Last year, the number of births taking place in Malaysia is 330,910 while deaths are recorded at 77,390.

Malaysia Population History

During the 1960s Malaysian population was recorded to be 8.16 million, which gradually increased to 10.91 million in 1970.

In 1980 the Malaysian population increased to 13.83 million, after which a drastic rise took place and the population reached 20.21 million in 1994. Finally, the population rate was 28.86 million in the year 2011.

Malaysia Life Expectancy

Life expectancy in Malaysia showed a dramatic increase in the years from 1960 to 2011 as it grew from an average of 59.42 years to 74.26 years respectively.

The life expectancy in Malaysia was 59.42 years in 1960, reached 63.94 years in 1970, then 67.40 years in 1980, and finally reached 70.06 years in 1990.

In 2000 the statistics showed the average life expectancy to be 72.14 years, and now in 2013 it has reached 74.04 years with male life expectancy at 71.28 years and female life expectancy at 76.99 years.


The population of Malaysia was 28,334,135 according to the 2010 census. This made Malaysia the 42nd most populated country in the world. Malaysia consists of people of different cultures and religions. Only 50.4 percent of the population is Malay, and the rest is Bumiputera, Muslim, etc., including majorities and minorities.

Malaysian nationality is only given to a child whose parents are both Malaysian. Dual nationality in Malaysia is not allowed.

The infant mortality rate in 2009 was 6 deaths per 1000, and life expectancy at birth in 2009 was 75 years in Malaysia. Five percent of the government social sector development budget is spent on health care to develop Malaysia into a medical tourism destination.

Peninsular Malaysia has an urban population of 70%. This area consists of 28 million Malaysians, and the population is mostly concentrated here.

Kuala Lampur is the capital and is also the center of financial and commercial activities. A city named Putrajaya was constructed in Malaysia to normalize the growing population in Kuala Lumpur and is now the seat of government.

Malaysia is estimated to have over 3 million migrant workers because of a rise in labor-intensive industries. It is estimated by the Sabah-based NGOs that out of those 3 million migrant workers, 2 million are illegal migrants.

Refugees and asylum seekers are also found to be living in Malaysia, so Malaysian officials are working on enforcing its immigration law.